Remedies to Ease Toothache

Tooth Pain Remedies, Brampton Dentist

Remedies to Ease Toothache

If you are experiencing a toothache pain, and you want to refrain the use of western medications for some particular reasons, you can resort to the following homemade remedies to cure your dental pain:

Clove oil

It is no wonder that cloves are regarded as a traditional remedy for treating a toothache. The spice contains of a chemical compound, known as eugenol, and it acts as a natural anesthetic. If you are experiencing an excruciating or jaw-cutting toothache, you can put a drop or two of clove oil on your affected area, and it should add a numbing affect to the affected area. However, you should be immensely careful when handling the clove oil, as it could leave an adverse effect on the area.

Ginger-cayenne paste

You can create a ginger-cayenne paste to relief the symptoms of a toothache. You can mix equal parts of ginger and cayenne, and mix them with water to make a paste. You can take a small roll of cotton, and dip it into the paste until it is completely saturated, and place the cotton on your tooth. You should make sure to avoid the contact of your tongue and gums with the mixture. You should leave the ball in your mouth until your pain abates; however, you should make sure that you are able to withstand the treatment process, as the concoction creates a burning sensation in your mouth.

Swish some salt water

You can mix a teaspoon of salt in a cup of hot water to prepare a painkilling concoction. You can use the mixture to rinse your mouth with, and it should be able to relief your toothache symptoms to an extent. The mix will clean away impurities from your mouth, and it will also reduce the swelling in your mouth. It will also relieve your sore throat. You can rinse your mouth for nearly 30 seconds before spitting it out.

Soothe with tea

Peppermint tea has a calming and soothing, and it contains numbing power, which relieves your dental power. You can prepare the concoction by putting 1 teaspoon of dried peppermint leaves in 1 cup of boiling water, and let it soak for 20 minutes. Once the tea cools down, you can swirl and swish the tea in your mouth, and spit it out.

Please note that the information provided above is for general purpose only. One must seek expert clinical advise from a trained practitioner prior to making any conclusions. Each patient and case is different and relying on a generalized information may be inadequate. Please consult your dentist or call our office for an appointment if you have any questions or concerns.


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Dr. Sonia Sharma Dental Centre
12-3078 Mayfield Road, Brampton,
Ontario, L6Z 0E3
(905) 840-3456

Major Intersection: Mayfield Road/Hwy10 or Hurontario St.

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