Oral Surgeon – What to Expect From Oral Surgery

What to Expect From Oral Surgery Treatment in Brampton

Oral Surgery

If your dentist is not able to cure your dental ailment beforehand, he strongly advises you to consult an oral surgeon for a better consultation. If you are experiencing any sort of dental difficulties, the oral surgeon will evaluate the origination of the problem, and treat your dental condition surgically.

What is Oral Surgery?

If you are not vastly familiar with the concept of oral surgery, you will keep wondering that what is oral surgery or what is maxillofacial surgery? The terms oral and maxillofacial are considerably exchangeable; however, oral refers to your mouth area, whereas, maxillofacial refers to the areas of your face and jaw.

A surgeon, who specializes in these areas, is responsible for the diagnosis and treatment that occurs in a jaw, neck, face, head, and soft oral tissues. Oral and maxillofacial surgery is regarded as a surgical specialty, and the surgeon should pursue a four-year graduate degree in dentistry, and enroll himself in an oral and maxillofacial surgery residency program of 4 years to become eligible to practice as an oral surgeon. The residency program features a specialized training in pain control and anesthesia, which allows the oral surgeon to excel the skills involved in this field.

Prior to seeing an oral surgeon, you are required to see a regular dentist for a regular checkup. However, if your case is complicated, you are referred to see a professional oral surgeon, who becomes responsible for your treatment.

When is the right time to see an oral surgeon?

An oral surgery is generally prescribed for receiving dental implants, and it is also recommended for the removal of a cyst or a tumor from a patient’s jaw. You can also see an oral surgeon if you are experiencing the following symptoms:

  • Obstructive sleep apnea
  • Cancer in the neck, face, or jaw area
  • Misaligned jaw
  • Facial pain or TMD/TMJ
  • Issues with your wisdom tooth
  • Cleft lip and palate surgery
  • Reconstructive surgery following an injury

When receiving oral surgery from us, we promise to provide you with a pain-free treatment process. We work with a team of board certified orthodontists and dentists, who are vastly familiar with the use of modern tools and latest technologies to perform a surgical treatment on our patients. We use best dental and orthodontic practices to indulge in the surgical treatment of dental implants, tooth extractions, tooth replacement, and miscellaneous dental surgeries.

Please note that the information provided above is for general purpose only. One must seek expert clinical advise from a trained practitioner prior to making any conclusions. Each patient and case is different and relying on a generalized information may be inadequate. Please consult your dentist or call our office for an appointment if you have any questions or concerns.


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Dr. Sonia Sharma Dental Centre
12-3078 Mayfield Road,
Brampton, Ontario, L6Z 0E3

Major Intersection: Mayfield Road/Hwy10 or Hurontario St.

(905) 840-3456

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Monday : 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM
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Wednesday : 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Thursday : 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Friday : 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Saturday : 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM
Sunday: By appointment only
Dr. Sonia Sharma Dental Centre
12-3078 Mayfield Road, Brampton,
Ontario, L6Z 0E3
(905) 840-3456

Major Intersection: Mayfield Road/Hwy10 or Hurontario St.

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