Wisdom Teeth Removal & Extractions Brampton

Wisdom Teeth: Wise up without them

Dr. Sonia Sharma
Wisdom Teeth Removal

Question: During the last few days, I am nursing excruciating pain in the jaw and swollen gum near the very last tooth. I saw my family doctor; who prescribed me some medicine and referred me to a Dentist. I have heard that this could be due to wisdom teeth. If that is true, than, I am worried about the horror stories I have heard about the extractions of these types of teeth from my friends and colleagues. Is there a way to get rid of this problem without surgery? –Asif A. Bandali, Oakville, On.

Dr. Sharma: It is my guess that your wisdom tooth/teeth is/are hurting. Before I will outline the details about wisdom teeth extraction in Brampton, I would like you to know about wisdom teeth, the reasons for their extraction, how bad do the wisdom teeth to hurt before they are to be surgically removed and should one get the wisdom teeth removed even if they do not hurt them at the present time. Lots of my patients do ask me about the time off needed after the extraction as well as the risks involved about such surgery. And, I hope that once all these questions are answered, your apprehension about this surgery will be removed.

Wisdom teeth are the last teeth to erupt in the back of your mouth. Usually, they erupt between the ages of 17 and 25. Occasionally, though, they find there way out much later than that; some never erupt at all. Thanks to evolution we’re evolving into the proud ownership of smaller jaws; unfortunately, our teeth aren’t quite keeping pace. Most of our jaws usually only have room for 28 teeth; but we have 32. Basically, this mean that the last teeth to erupt, which are the wisdom teeth, have nowhere to go if there’s not enough room remaining.

The current consensus is that only wisdom teeth, which are causing problems or are going to cause problems, should be extracted. The sort of problems that wisdom teeth can cause includes the following:

  • Infection of the surrounding gums if food and bacteria get trapped (pericoronitis),
  • Pain if the tooth becomes decayed (it’s tough to clean them with the brush),
  • And pain from the tooth next to the wisdom tooth as a result of pressure to the concerned tooth causing decay,
  • Soreness and clicking of the jaw.

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, your wisdom teeth may need to be removed.

The actual procedure shouldn’t cause you any discomfort at all. In fact, the upper wisdom teeth are usually fairly easy to deliver. Sometimes the lower wisdom teeth can be a little more of a challenge. You will probably experience a little discomfort and swelling for a few days following the procedure, but the actual removal, is usually quite painless.

Teeth, which are inside the jawbone, that have little or no space to come out (impacted wisdom teeth) almost always cause problems if left in place long enough. These problems have a knack for happening suddenly and at the most inopportune times. In addition, the younger we are, the better our bodies heal. A relatively minor operation at 20 years of age can become quiet difficult at 40. Also the risk of complications increases with age

Generally, we do not surgically remove the wisdom teeth in the presence of an infection as this may spread bacteria, resulting in a serious condition. The infection should first be brought under control with antibiotics medications.

Healing depends on the difficulty of the case and on how well your body heals. Some people experience a fair amount of swelling for up to a week; however, most are back to their normal routines in 2 to 3 days. You might consider having the extractions on a Thursday so you can have Friday and the weekend to recover.

Know lets talk about the risks. As with any surgical procedure, there are risks. During the removal of lower wisdom teeth, it is possible to bruise the nerve that lies close to the roots of these teeth; this may result in numbness or tingling of the lips and or tongue. The condition is usually only temporary but in some cases it has been reported to last weeks or months to resolve. There is also the risk of dry socket or infection of the extraction site. Make sure you have your dentist explain all the risks to you before you have the extractions and be sure to follow your dental office’s post-op instructions to avoid such infections. One the final note, be prepared for a little swelling, it may even be difficult to open your mouth fully for a few days.

Remember, it is always prudent to get this type of problem resolved once for all. It is some how not possible to remove the wisdom tooth without the surgery at the present time. Oral medications given by the doctor or a dentist may alleviate the pain temporarily, but if this problem persists, than, there is unfortunately no other recourse than surgery. So, wise up and use your wisdom to get rid of the problem wisdom teeth.

Please remember that the information is provided as general information. It is NOT intended to replace professional care. Since every patient and every case may vary, consult your physician or dentist for advice on your particular situation.


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Dr. Sonia Sharma Dental Centre
12-3078 Mayfield Road,
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(905) 840-3456

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Dr. Sonia Sharma Dental Centre
12-3078 Mayfield Road, Brampton,
Ontario, L6Z 0E3
(905) 840-3456

Major Intersection: Mayfield Road/Hwy10 or Hurontario St.

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